(too old to reply)
2004-10-10 21:32:40 UTC

By new10.

The Jesus of the bible portrays a man who is without morals. A man full of
forgiveness to those sinners who murder. What message does this give to
those survivors who lost a loved one by murder and mayhem? That he, Jesus
will provide a safe heaven for all murderers. That he makes no distinction
between the guilty and the innocent is immoral. Jesus in a court of law will
be the attorney prosecuting the innocent and then he will be the attorney
who will be defending the guilty.
Goodness Godless
2004-10-11 03:02:00 UTC
Post by New10.
By new10.
The Jesus of the bible portrays a man who is without morals. A man full of
forgiveness to those sinners who murder. What message does this give to
those survivors who lost a loved one by murder and mayhem? That he, Jesus
will provide a safe heaven for all murderers. That he makes no distinction
between the guilty and the innocent is immoral. Jesus in a court of law will
be the attorney prosecuting the innocent and then he will be the attorney
who will be defending the guilty.
Without for one moment giving creadence to a myth like Jebus or a murderer
Mohamed, your view is just a little bit self rightuous, I feel.
Jebus, (a chap that proberbly never existed) said, 'let he who has not
sinned cast the first stone."
In "Life of Brian," all the ladies dressed up as guys immediately started
to toss
their stones!

Murders, I would insist come in all shapes and form, (e.g. G.Bush and
ladies who systematically kill abusive husbands. Madmen who sexually abuse
tiny children and the murder them.

I live in a Europe where the murder rate is less than a tenth that of the
US, so
we tend to think that Murdering Murderers defeats the object somewhat!

I always take this rather silly but never the less interesting position:

1.) If I was not to have to be put in prison for 5 years at the very least
murdering that Nazi Christian Tony Blair, would I not do it for the
love of England?
2.) Though, I have not committed any real crimes of late, did I not
dive over the speed limit and risk commiting "Manslaughter" when
I was a younger man!
3.) There is no afterlive for humans. Hitler, if he is vidicated, is still
a corpse,(he would be a corpse by now anyway, no doubt 110years ols).
People who believe in Mumbo Jumbo tend to think that if Hitler was
right, then he and G.Bush and T.Blair will be meeting in Heaven together.

One of the most important bits of pre-propergander that the MumboJumbo
State tricks little ones to believe is that MumboJumboists have absolute
values, but Ateists have realative values.
The reality is that, though Atheists do not have Abosolute Values, an
Atheist has values closer to absolute than any Islamic or Chistic!
Goodness Godless
2004-10-16 01:05:52 UTC
Post by New10.
By new10.
The Jesus of the bible portrays a man who is without morals. A man full of
forgiveness to those sinners who murder. What message does this give to
those survivors who lost a loved one by murder and mayhem? That he, Jesus
will provide a safe heaven for all murderers. That he makes no distinction
between the guilty and the innocent is immoral. Jesus in a court of law
will be the attorney prosecuting the innocent and DEVIL will be the
Post by New10.
who will be defending the guilty.
Post by New10.
By new10.
The Jesus of the bible portrays a man who is without morals. A man full of
forgiveness to those sinners who murder. What message does this give to
those survivors who lost a loved one by murder and mayhem? That he, Jesus
will provide a safe heaven for all murderers. That he makes no distinction
between the guilty and the innocent is immoral. Jesus in a court of law
Post by New10.
be the attorney prosecuting the innocent and then he will be the attorney
who will be defending the guilty.
Without for one moment giving creadence to a myth like Jebus or a murderer
Mohamed, your view is just a little bit self rightuous, I feel.
Jebus, (a chap that proberbly never existed) said, 'let he who has not
sinned cast the first stone."
In "Life of Brian," all the ladies dressed up as guys immediately started
to toss
their stones!
Murders, I would insist come in all shapes and form, (e.g. G.Bush and
ladies who systematically kill abusive husbands. Madmen who sexually abuse
tiny children and the murder them.
I live in a Europe where the murder rate is less than a tenth that of the
US, so
we tend to think that Murdering Murderers defeats the object somewhat!
1.) If I was not to have to be put in prison for 5 years at the very least
murdering that Nazi Christian Tony Blair, would I not do it for the
love of England?
2.) Though, I have not committed any real crimes of late, did I not
dive over the speed limit and risk commiting "Manslaughter" when
I was a younger man!
3.) There is no afterlive for humans. Hitler, if he is vidicated, is still
a corpse,(he would be a corpse by now anyway, no doubt 110years ols).
People who believe in Mumbo Jumbo tend to think that if Hitler was
right, then he and G.Bush and T.Blair will be meeting in Heaven together.
One of the most important bits of pre-propergander that the MumboJumbo
State tricks little ones to believe is that MumboJumboists have absolute
values, but Ateists have realative values.
The reality is that, though Atheists do not have Abosolute Values, an
Atheist has values closer to absolute than any Islamic or Chistic!
Goodness Godless