(too old to reply)
2004-10-11 00:11:59 UTC

By New10

The ugly Americans have sunk to a new low as a bunch of Bush

lovers. The Republican Party dominated by Christian

Fundamentalism, the most ignorant cult, will put American back to a

new Dark Age, where ignorance and Supernaturalism reigned.

Why did Americans vote for the age of superstition and ignorance?

Why did they vote for a Man who wants to repeal free choice for

women? (It sounds like male chauvinism.)

It seems that America, despite its wealth and technology, put

themselves in the same level as Third World countries when it

comes to religion; primitive, supernatural, mystical and magical.

That should have died off a thousand years ago.

Are we going to make Supernaturalism a topic of study in our

schools? Are children going to be taught mysticism 101?

President Bush lusting for power with the blessings of Christian

Fundamentalism along with the Catholic Church will destroy

America; something the Russians could never do. It is obvious how

religion infects the mind. It will destroy the minds of the young.

is already happening in our schools as Christian Fundamentalism

ignoring the laws of separation of church and state, were by stealth

bringing the fable and folklore of Creationism into the classroom. It

might take decades before we have another Renaissance, or an

age of Enlightenment, or perhaps never again.
2004-10-12 06:26:43 UTC
I appreciate your distress but have no fear.

What is happening is merely an essential and unavoidable polarisation
between reason and intellectual ability and on the other hand
superstition and ignorance.

Note above all that "fundamentalism" is a mindset that operates in many
religions , crossing the boundaries between them - It is merely the old
familiar FASCISM our fathers fought against and that many died
eradicating from the world of the nineteen forties..

This time is obscures its true nature in a religious guise. Its aims are
unchanged, for at heart all fundamentalism - all Fascism, is a terrorist

Hitler, Himmler, Bormann, Eichmann, Mussolini are all dead

just remember the words of the Republicans in Civil War Spain

No pasaran!

They shall not pass

Our forefathers stopped them

So will we

And at less cost, because the world already knows them for the terrorists
they are!

And is vigilant - the price of liberty being eternal vigilance

The FBI recognises them for what they are already

2004-10-15 00:37:05 UTC


By New10.


The Jews in Germany thought it would never happen. What started
off as a

small fringe group of radical fanatics, the Nazi party, were
persistent on usurping

the German government that was relatively liberal. What started
off here in the

United States as a small fringe group of radical fanatics, the

Fundamentalists, are slowly usurping the democratic processes by
boasting their

take over of the Republican party. The Nazi party started off as
a grass roots

political party. Christian Fundamentalism started off as a
grass roots religious

party. As soon as the Nazi party gained political power, they
passed strict laws

against basic freedoms. Christian Fundamentalists as a minority
Fascist religion

wields power in our politics, and is pushing for curbs against
our basic freedom.

As the Nazi party grew in power and prestige, people jumped on
the Nazi

bandwagon. As Christian Fundamentalism grows in power and
prestige, more

Christians from other denominations are jumping on the bandwagon

Fundamentalism. The Nazi party when they gained complete control
of the

government initiated a reign of terror attacking Liberalism.

Fundamentalists have initiated a reign of terror by trying to
destroy any vestige of


The Nazi party censored the arts. Christian Fundamentalists have
had a big

influence in censoring the arts. The Nazi party censored books -

Fundamentalists censor books in the classroom and some libraries
where they have

control such as in the Bible Belt. The Nazis persecuted not only
Jews but

homosexuals and intellectuals as well. Christian Fundamentalists
are persecuting

homosexuals and hostile towards intellectuals. The Nazis
outlawed abortion. The

Fundamentalists are trying to move the clock back when abortions
were illegal.

Christian Fundamentalists have been behind the campaign to
restrict abortions in

Federal funded programs. The Nazis persecuted atheists, left
wing political parties

and secular humanists (no matter what they were called in the
early 1930's). Born

again Christians are hostile towards atheists and secular

The Nazi party formed a paramilitary force called the brown
Shirts. Most

paramilitary forces in the United States are comprised of
various factions of

Christian Fundamentalists. The Nazi party was undemocratic.

Fundamentalists and other orthodox groups such as Catholicism
are anti-

democratic. Hitler had complete dictatorial power. Catholicism
would like to have

complete dictatorial power as they once had in Poland, Ireland
and Yugoslavia. The

Christian Fundamentalists do not hide their wish to have
dictatorial power (Pat

Robertson for example).Hitler passed the Nuernberg laws that
imitated Medieval law of the Catholic

Church. Christian Reconstructionists want to pass anti-human law
of the bible of

three thousand years ago. They want the death penalty for
heresy, non-belief,

adultery, incorrigibility of children, breaking the Sabbath,
fake pretensions to


prophecy (I'm sure the list will grow) homosexuals and liberals.
Hitler wanted

women to stay home and make babies and wanted to see men in
charge of their

wives. Christian Fundamentalists want women to stay home and
make babies and

teaches men to be the head of the household.

Hitler wanted Germany to be a Fascist state, Christian
Fundamentalists want

America to be a Christian nation. A Christian nation sounds very
much like a Jew-

free Germany.

The Nazi party attracted every schizophrenic in Germany.

Fundamentalism attracts every schizophrenic in America.

The Nazis' infiltration of the Reichtag. The religious right has
control of the

Republican party.

The Nazi party was Fascist. The Christian Fundamentalism is

The spokesmen of the Christian right like Jerry Fallwell, Pat
Robertson, Billy

Graham and their ilk denouncing homosexuals as the Nazi's
condemned the Jews.

Hitler killed homosexuals as he did the Jews.

The Nazis were peddlers of hate, Christian Fundamentalists are
peddlers of hate.

The Nazi party had control over the media. The Nazi party had
their own

radio station. The Christian right owns hundreds of radio and
television stations.

Hitler took away human rights and have it sound as if he is
giving Germany

power. The people of Germany were convinced that Hitler would
give them

freedom. The religious right wants to usurp the power of our
government and has

millions of followers who are only too eager to give up their

Hitler wanted a strong military position and spent billions of
marks for war

equipment. The religious right also wants such military

I know there are more comparisons that can be made and you can
fill in

where I have left off.

Christian Fundamentalism hasn't the power as yet to act out
their anti-social

behavior and most appear to be nice decent people. Concentration
camp guards

who murdered men, women and children were seen as good Christian
fathers and

husbands. But as we know from experiments, once someone has

dictatorial power their personality changes and they become very
