2004-10-11 00:11:59 UTC
By New10
The ugly Americans have sunk to a new low as a bunch of Bush
lovers. The Republican Party dominated by Christian
Fundamentalism, the most ignorant cult, will put American back to a
new Dark Age, where ignorance and Supernaturalism reigned.
Why did Americans vote for the age of superstition and ignorance?
Why did they vote for a Man who wants to repeal free choice for
women? (It sounds like male chauvinism.)
It seems that America, despite its wealth and technology, put
themselves in the same level as Third World countries when it
comes to religion; primitive, supernatural, mystical and magical.
That should have died off a thousand years ago.
Are we going to make Supernaturalism a topic of study in our
schools? Are children going to be taught mysticism 101?
President Bush lusting for power with the blessings of Christian
Fundamentalism along with the Catholic Church will destroy
America; something the Russians could never do. It is obvious how
religion infects the mind. It will destroy the minds of the young.
is already happening in our schools as Christian Fundamentalism
ignoring the laws of separation of church and state, were by stealth
bringing the fable and folklore of Creationism into the classroom. It
might take decades before we have another Renaissance, or an
age of Enlightenment, or perhaps never again.
By New10
The ugly Americans have sunk to a new low as a bunch of Bush
lovers. The Republican Party dominated by Christian
Fundamentalism, the most ignorant cult, will put American back to a
new Dark Age, where ignorance and Supernaturalism reigned.
Why did Americans vote for the age of superstition and ignorance?
Why did they vote for a Man who wants to repeal free choice for
women? (It sounds like male chauvinism.)
It seems that America, despite its wealth and technology, put
themselves in the same level as Third World countries when it
comes to religion; primitive, supernatural, mystical and magical.
That should have died off a thousand years ago.
Are we going to make Supernaturalism a topic of study in our
schools? Are children going to be taught mysticism 101?
President Bush lusting for power with the blessings of Christian
Fundamentalism along with the Catholic Church will destroy
America; something the Russians could never do. It is obvious how
religion infects the mind. It will destroy the minds of the young.
is already happening in our schools as Christian Fundamentalism
ignoring the laws of separation of church and state, were by stealth
bringing the fable and folklore of Creationism into the classroom. It
might take decades before we have another Renaissance, or an
age of Enlightenment, or perhaps never again.